Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of talking therapy that combines cognitive therapy and behaviour therapy. It focuses on how you think about the things going on in your life – your thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes (your cognitive processes) – and how this impacts on the way you behave and deal with emotional problems. It then looks at how you can change any negative patterns of thinking or behaviour that may be causing you difficulties. In turn, this can change the way you feel.

CBT tends to be short, taking six weeks to six months. You will usually attend a session once a week, each session lasting either 50 minutes or an hour. Together with the therapist you will explore what your problems are and develop a plan for tackling them. You will learn a set of principles that you can apply whenever you need to. You may find them useful long after you have left therapy.

CBT may focus on what is going on in the present rather than the past. However, the therapy may also look at your past and how your past experiences impact on how you interpret the world now.

'you may find them useful long after you have left therapy'. 

The first step to initiating therapy sessions:

  • Contact me for a telephone consultation
  • Face to face assessment session (to identify problems and SMART goals & objectives)
  • 6 sessions of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (increase of sessions can be discussed at session 5 if necessary)
  • Follow up sessions after 3/6 months


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